May 23, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
CN Theatre, Room 5-142, City Centre Campus
10700 - 104 Avenue
Bonnie Dong

Architectural Design Conversations with Barry Johns

MacEwan invites world-renowned architect and industry leader Barry Johns to talk about architecture and urban design in O-Day’Min, Edmonton’s downtown. Barry will present for one hour followed by a half-hour Q&A.

Barry is the lead architect of the City Centre Campus buildings that were completed in 1993. The iconic “Towers” campus design has won nine Architecture and Urban Design awards, including the 2014 People’s Choice Architecture Award for most popular project in the City of Edmonton. Come and learn more about Edmonton’s premiere undergraduate university and how the physical structure was designed to connect to our downtown community, O-Day’Min.

Barry is a graduate of the Technical University of Nova Scotia (now Dalhousie) School of Architecture, and has led the architectural community nationally, most recently serving two terms as Chancellor of the College of Fellows of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. Currently, Barry is completing his doctorate in architecture at the University of Calgary.